In this article there are ONE BIG NUANCE, if you can't get NVIDIA-SMI good report, after all…Apr 21, 2021Apr 21, 2021
This helped me for deploy old TF =1.13.1 version on ubuntu 20.04 with CUDA 10.1.Apr 19, 2021Apr 19, 2021
Payments classifier based on Java and WEKA ML-toolsThe topic of determining the direction of transactions in financial services has been sufficiently studied, yet there are new approaches…Dec 11, 20192Dec 11, 20192
Дебетово-кредитный классификатор на Java или как нелетающая птица WEKA помогает решить проблему…Тема определения направления транзакций в финансовых сервисах достаточно изучена, но не смотря на это появляются новые подходы и…Dec 8, 2019Dec 8, 2019
Text classification based on Apache Open NLPThe strength of the Indians in the product Apache Open NLP allows you to solve complex problems of text preparation and classification…Nov 11, 20193Nov 11, 20193